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Auto de Mofina Mendes

The Auto Mofina Mendes is a theater play of Gil Vicente presented for the first time in 1534, in Lisbon , the king John III and addressed to Christmas matins.

The play opens with a monologue by a friar who speaks in the manner of a preacher. With this gone, two parallel narratives begin that are presented alternately. Both possessing substantially the same dimension, the first deals with the Annunciation to the Virgin and consequent pregnancy, the second represents the adventures of an unlucky group of pastors. As Maria receives the Good News from the Angel Gabriel and questions four of the Virtues about what decisions to take in the face of this phenomenon, the shepherds are trying to find out what happened to the majority of their cattle, which are now missing. Upon realizing that many of the animals died, the Angel Gabriel descends into his presence and tells them that they must go to Bethlehem to attend the birth of Jesus Christ .

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