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las obras de boscán y algunas de garcilaso de la vega repartidas en quatro libros

Joan Boscà's most famous works appear in Las obras de Boscán y algunas de Garcilaso de la Vega repartidas en quatro libros (The Works of Boscà and Some of Garcilaso de la Vega Divided in Four Volumes). In volume three, this includes Leandro y Hero (Leander and Hero), based on an ancient Greek fable and Ottava Rima (Royal Octave).

Carlos Clavería, who has edited Boscán´s work, affirms that the reader who reaches the third book will find veritable treasures, including the above cited mythological poem based on Musaeus and with touches of Virgil and Hesiod. The reader will also find a Petrarchan poem that has includes a very surprising turn. Capítulo, which begins in a rather conventional manner, but then turns to describe in the last thirty-two tercets a painting from antiquity: Timanthes's The Sacrifice of Iphigenia best known for the veil worn by Agamemnon, her father, since the poet was unable to show his immense suffering. This is one of the earliest ekphrasis found in Iberian Renaissance poetry.What cannot be shown or described in the poem is the extreme jealousy felt by the poetic voice.

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